
What should I study at Uni?

by Guest60421  |  earlier

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I was thinking of studying Visual Arts: Film/Media but i'm not sure if I could make a living out of making films, I have a great role model who became successful with their filming, such as "Wong Fu Productions." Nevertheless i'm still not sure, I like making films and i also have a good eye for drawing, which gives me another option to study Architecture, i used to design my own little buildings and build them with sticks + rubberbands + mud, but i also have an interest on making fun films! I don't know! i really like filming but i don't really know the fundemental requirements to become successful with making films!


I live in Australia btw...




  1. If films are really your passion I think you should study it. Majoring in something you're not really into would be harder to complete when it doesn't interest you and you would probably do better when you are studying something you like.  The entertainment industry is hard to get into, so if you do have another interest maybe you could do a double major or minor in architecture. You should check out the film programs at the schools that interest you so you can see the requirements or if the program fulfills your needs.  Also, you can see which film programs have internship opportunities which will not only help to give you experience but it'll help you to get your foot in the door. Good luck!

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