
What should I study if I want to become an air traffic controller??

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What should I study if I want to become an air traffic controller??




  1. Just like "pre med" there's no good "pre-ATC" course of study.  You need to sharpen your spatial relation skills, or the ability to think in four dimensions (3D + time).  Being able to type quickly and accurately is becoming a more necessary skill too!  You also need to be able to read information and retain it, and have a good short term memory recall.  Practice by having someone give you phone numbers, and you shoot them back to someone AFTER reciting your phone number or social security number.  That's a good skill to develop.  Lastly you'd need to work on listening to two things at the same time.  Try to cary on a phone coversation while trying to follow the news on TV.  You can do it, but don't let one take over.  These are all skills that will help.  Good luck

  2. If you're a USA citizen the best way is to be a minority because the FAA takes that into account more than ATC test scores, or whether you have pevious air traffic experience.  

    So if you're a white male, go to the military and become an Air Traffic controller, and do as many years there as possible.  Apply at the FAA as well as Lockheed Martin, as they are taking over many FAA contracts.  Lockheed Martin is just as diligent at hiring less qualified minority controllers, but that's just the way it is.  So you're competing on an even level with other white guys, if you're better than they are, and they don't have a nepotism connection you might get hired.

    Military controllers do get a 5 point preference on the ATC test for the FAA

  3. Maths, English, Geography and 2 other subjects. Join the RAF as a Rct ATC and they will do the rest.

    If you are easily flustered don't do it.

  4. Dont study... join the RAF.  They will pay you AND train everything u need. then when/if u choose to leave.. u'll be a qualified air traffic controller!

  5. Rigid self control, your attitude is of paramount importance,you cannot afford to panic,good acedemic records help,but are no substitute for a cool head and logical approach.Your training will be by supervised hands on experience.There is no substitute for that.

  6. Here's a step by step for an air traffic controller...

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