
What should I tell my 6 year old son? He told me that he asked the kids at school if he could play with them?

by  |  earlier

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because they were playing tag, and they told him "No"

How should I tell him to handle this if it happens again?




  1. tell him to find someone else to play with and make more friends so when everyone is his friends those kids will want to as well

  2. gee kids are mean! i had my own 6yr old boy come home last week and say the same thing to me, i just told him to go find other kids to play with because the ones that he wanted to play with didnt sound very nice, and that he wouldnt want friends like that anyway. Kids are very cruel, as i'm finding out this year with my son being in year one.

  3. i have a extremely shy 6 yr old. I told that if anything like that happens just shrug it off and find someone else to play with. not everyone in your class will be your friend and be nice to you. i also was an extremly shy child so i know from experience how it feels.

  4. Well this is almost out of your control but these can maybe help:

    -Have him start a new game and soon other kid will join in

    -Talk to his teacher and maybe she can help while he's at school

    -Set him up a play date with some other kids, even if they aren't friends yet kids love play dates

    -Involve him in some after school activities that other kids in his class do

    Hope this helps

    PS Talk to some of the other Moms they can help get thier child to try and play with someone new

  5. He can find some other kids to play with. Sounds like those kids are mean and he doesn't need them to have fun.

  6. Tell him to start a fun game that they will want to play. And then he should let them.

  7. Just explain to him that the other children may have had an agreement over who was going to play the game at that time. Tell him to ask the leader of the group to include him next time as he'd really like to play.

    Kids can be cruel without knowing it, you never mentioned if it was his regular class mates or if he is new to the school. The teacher may be told if need be, and may even give the class a talking to about caring and sharing.

  8. at 6 if they have started the game they may not now how to include him. Get him to ask if he can play the next game. If they so say no then to go off and find someone else to play with. If it comtinues then tell the teacher as it is bullying

  9. Tell him to find someone else to play with. Life is like that, there's not much you can do about it.

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