
What should I tell my almost 4 yr.old when he asks how the new baby is going to come out of my belly?

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He thought it would crawl out of my mouth!

I told him the Dr. would take the baby out of my belly.

He asked "how?" I just said "he just takes it out!"

I plan on delivering vaginally. Should I explain things further if he asks again or just leave my answer to his question the way it is?

How did you handle this question?




  1. "There is a special opening that the baby comes out of."  And if he asks to see it, "That's private."

  2. why not tell the truth. there is nothing wrong with letting him know of a ntural process. just dont give the gory details.

  3. Tell the truth with proper terms.

  4. Try this, my girls havent asked but To be honest hes to young to know the details, Tell him Mommie and Daddie love each other bery much and wanted to give him and his lil brother another brother so they wished really hard on a start, Mommie then started growing a baby in her tummie and Soon mommies belly will get tight and hurt a bit, then mommie has to go see a special doctor who will help get the baby out of mommies tummy and to say hi to his/her new siblings.

    Ive used this on my nephew when I was pregnant with my youngets it worked, use it or make up your own version. But as for the details they arent ready for that til about age 10 at most.

  5. let him see when you give birth

  6. Considering that he is only 4 and does not know the anatomy of well male or female I wouldnt tell him the whole truth...just tell him that they take it out the belly like you have been doing and if you cant change the subject on him and he keeps at it then just tell him that the doctors cut your belly a little bit and then show him like right here and point to your lower abdomen and say he just makes a little cut right here jsut big enough for the baby to come out. Then if he asks to see your cut (good memory) afterwards then just say see look its gone already, I told you it was just going to be a little one. So he doesnt think you are really hurtingby being cut open. But if for some reason you do get a c-section then you relly will have a scar to show, but only show him a little bit of it. Good Luck!

  7. Tell him that when a mommy has a baby, it comes out of a special opening.  If he wants to see, tell him that it's a private place.

  8. wow your kid is smart. He's only 4 and he asks those things?

  9. My sons have not asked me yet, but I plan on telling them that the baby will come out of my v****a. (Right now the baby is in my "belly." ) They know that girls have vaginas and boys have penises. They don't know what they are for yet, because they are only 4 and 2. But that will be explanation enough. If he doesn't know what a v****a is yet, tell him "Mommy's and other girls private parts."

  10. I am a firm believer in using proper terminology with the children.  We told my daughter it would come out of my v****a.  She said, "Oooooo, GROSS"  and that was the end of it.  ......  of course, now that I think about it, she DID refuse to touch her baby brother for about a month after he was born....  hmmmm.....

  11. welllll.... i'd get a wee bit more specific instead of leaving so much to his imagination, particularly if he ever watches "alien", lol.

    what previous poster suggested is good but i'm not fond of cuttnig them off with "that's private".  if you're comfortable with it, you can tell him "it's in my private area but there's nothing to see now because the baby isn't ready to come out".

  12. Let the whole family sit down together and watch the miracle of life video. It shows from beginning to end. It is very clinical and so it would show, with proper terminology exactly what will happen. My daughter knew what was going on when I had her little brothers. She thinks its a little wierd, but she accepts it. She also watches discovery health with me, which has a bunch of birth shows but without the direct shot of the v****a.

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