
What should I tell my friends, they saw me somewhere and now wont leave me alone, what should I tell them?

by  |  earlier

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On Friday, I told the SRO that someone stole my money. He wrote everything down in his notepad and my phone number and witnesses and all. Than he told me to go with the principal, he took me around talking to teachers and all. Than it was time for a fire drill, so the officer pulled the fire alarm and the principal to me to stay against the wall, I did. It was about 5 minutes when this teacher came up and went like "Why aren't you moving!? WALK!!! WALK!!!! WALK!!!!" but I told her that the principal told me to stay there so she just walked away. Than the principal returned and told me to go with him, and he took me to check if everyone was out of the building. Than he told me to wait in his office for him to return. Than the alarms went silent and everyone came back in, almost all my friends saw me in there, they went like "oooooo!!!!!!" they thought I was in trouble. Than he came back and asked me with which teacher I was supposed to be with, and I told him than he wrote me a pass. When I got in all my friends were around me going like "Why were you inside during a fire!?" "Why were you in the principal's office?" I don't want to tell them cuzz they might think i'm a loser or something for telling the police. What should I tell them? They wont leave me alone.




  1. Ha you could tell them you pulled the fire alarm, and got caught.

  2. just tell them someone stole your money, you don't necessarily  have to tell them you told the police, do you, or do you!??x

  3. say that was ur twim

  4. seriously, there are much more important things than what someone else thinks of you, don't even give it a second thought, while you are worrying what they think of you, they are probably out enjoying themselves, watching football, eating burgers, hanging out not even giving you a second thought, so why worry? You are going to look back on this one day and realize it's nothing, though right now it seems devastating. just breathe and get through it, and have a burger! It's gonna be ok-relax:)

  5. if you want to be humerus answer, just say that the principal had heard some rumers that there was a nuclear missile silo under your house.

  6. They seem very immature. Tell them, stop being such retards and shut up.

  7. Simple. Tell them you were asking the principle about something. Then he said it was time to do a fire drill so he asked you to stay there until it was done. If they ask what you were asking him make up something stupid like a question about homework or something. Take it from the queen of making up stories it may be simple but it works.

  8. tell them to get a life and there is no reason to get into your business at all you will need to tell them that or just ignore them eventually they will just leave you alone take my advice

  9. Tell them your parents called the principal to see if you could take a week off school due to a family emergency or vacation and he called you int he office and said it wasn't possible...

  10. Just tell them that you had special permission to stay inside the building, because you were having a meeting with your principal, and you were told that it was a test fire drill so there was no real danger.

  11. tell them to mind their own business;; nd since wen duz wanting to get your money back make you a loser?????

  12. money's money. Hey just tell em' someone stole something of yours, hey should understand.

  13. You shouldn't be afraid of what your friends might think, you had something serious going on and if your friends think that of you then they really aren't your friend at all.

  14. Tell it's not of their business and they'll just forget about it and leave you alone

  15. Tell them you were helping with the fire drill. They selected you to help out this time. tell them if they are as good a student as you, maybe they will be picked next time.

    Tell them its a secret and if you tell them you will have to kill them.

    Tell them you don't think it is any of their busines.

    Tell them you were talking to the principal about some personal busines when the bell rang and the principal wnated to finish up.

  16. just tell them that you went to the princibles to see if someone found your money and then the fire drill went off and you just ended up staying with him.

  17. The truth. Seriously, if they think your a total loser because you told the teacher you got your money stolen then they're the losers. How much was stolen anyways?

  18. Tell them YOU pulled the fire alarm. lol jk

    Tell them the truth, they're your friends. Or if you are that embarassed just tell them that they called the wrong person in there and the RO was trying to get some info about a fight.  

  19. Tell them that you didn't get in trouble and he thought he saw you pull it but you didn't.

  20. I understand what your talking about. Just make something up. Be like. the principal just wanted to ask me why i was later the other day.  Im ean, find something  small. very NON interesting that you might have been asked about. Then they wont ask about it again.. cuz it will  be boring... and you dont have to tell them the real reason.

    But you ahve to figure it out .. i mean, you know hwat you would getin troubel fro. Make it realistic. and dont forget nboring. GOOD LUCK

  21. Just ask them really nicely to leave you alone, and if they still keep doing it, they're not very good friends.  

  22. tell them you can't tell them,if they dnt listen they're not veryy good friends!

  23. Just tell them the truth. Someone stole your money and you told people, tryign to get it back. Just tell them in a funny way if you're worried about them thinking you're a loser :p

  24. u should just straight up be like "somebody jacked my money, and im not just gonna let it slip by, becuase i want it back" and if they are going to give you trouble over that and think that you're lame, then obviously they are the lame ones.

  25. something similiar has happened to me b4 no1 will care because you told the police

  26. Tell them that you have pull with the principal.  You don't need to go outside for fire drills.

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