
What should I tell my mom about me moving?

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So, first of all, I want to hear answers from people who are serious about answering, and not a whole bunch of answers giving me religious sermons...

I am g*y, a senior in high school, and going to be moving to live with my boyfriend in a little over a month. Me and my boyfriend are actually engaged, due to be married in a little over a year. I am going to be enrolling into an online school to finish up with high school. I want to get out very badly because my mother is very religious, and she does not let up on me, at all, tries to change me left and right, and I am tired of it. My problem is this now... I do not know how to tell her that I am moving. She already hates the fact that I am g*y, and that I have a boyfriend, and I know she will not be happy about this. How should I tell her? When should I tell her? Any suggestions would be great!




  1. Do NOT tell her the truth.

    If you really love her that will hurt her deeply.

    Keep your relationship between you and your pals, the family doesn't need to know what your s*x life is about.. I am sure you know nothing of your parents s*x life and when you tell them about this relationship you might as well being doing that.

    Trust me on this one.. its not necessary to hurt her.

  2. i think your mom should know. tell her a few days in advance. as your mother I'm shocked that she can't except your sexuality. i think you should sit down with her some where and say "Mom, i know your not happy that I'm g*y. but i didn't chose to be. I love my boyfriend ______ and I'm moving to ______ to be with him." i hope everything works out for you. and sorry about all the blanks.  

  3. You should tell her as soon as possible. The only way is to sit her down ..maybe over some dinner.. and let her know that you PLAN to move out with your boyfriend. Let her know that you want her advice and support. Let her know that it means a lot to you that she accepts you.

  4. I would suggest that you should not move out until after you have completed high school unless you have the ability to continue high school in the traditional manner.  An online high school is considered the same by some as a GED.  Some employers consider them less than a high school diploma.

    Should you decide to move in with your boyfriend you should talk with your mother in advance and allow her to state her objections without interruption.  She is doing what she feels is in your best interest even if you don't agree.  She should be respected for that much at the least.  If you move out secretly, it would be the same as admitting you are ashamed of what you are doing.  By giving your mom her say, you may be able to save your relationship with her.  

  5. It would depend on how she would hold it.  I would want to know as soon as possible.  But in your case, you may want to tell her a few days prior, after you have already made all of your plans.  Good luck, sweetie.  I wish you were my little angel.  You need to know that you are loved for exactly who you are.  And love is something to celebrate--in all forms!  

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