
What should I tell people when they say this?

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I have been a vegetarian for almost two years. When people on my dad's side of the family find out they think it is rediculous. more than one of my extended family members has said "God put animals on the Earth for people to eat...Jesus ate fish...blah blah blah".

This makes no difference to me, seeing as how I am agnostic. How can I explain to them that being a vegetarian is a good thing on their level without having to explain to them that I'm not a Christian (I don't want to hear a lecture about that, too)?




  1. Tell them not to judge personal decisions.  You have a right to feel happy with what you are.

  2. Don't try to explain your choices if they won't understand it anyway. Just tell them firmly and confidently that you are doing what you know is right. It may take time, but I think they could come to respect that stance - if not, then perhaps they really are horrible asses!

  3. Just ignore them. They'll eventually figure out that you're not into listening to them b**** about how you live your life. You don't tell them how to live theirs, so why should they tell you?

  4. Animals are God's creatures, not human property, nor utilities, nor resources, nor commodities, but precious beings in God's sight. ... Christians whose eyes are fixed on the awfulness of crucifixion are in a SPECIAL POSSITION to understand the AWFULNESS OF INNOCENT SUFFERING. THE CROSS OF CHRIST IS GOD'S ABSOLUTE IDENTIFICATION WITH THE WEAK, THE POWERLESS, AND THE VULNERABLE, BUT MOST OF ALL WITH UNPROTECTED, UNDEFENDED, INNOCENT SUFFERING.

  5. As Ann Landers said, answer impolite questions with another question, such as "Why do you ask?, " May I ask how it concerns you?", or even "Why are you criticizing my dietary choices?"

    If they persist, firmly state, "It's my decision what's right for me". Most of all, don't get sucked into arguing about whether vegetarianism is right or wrong-since it is an individual choice, there is no right answer.

  6. give em a smack to the jaw. it won't make them become a vegetarian but it will sure as h**l make them shut the **** up. the truth is that someone like that will never become a vegetarian through words. I am a vegetarian all the way.

  7. Just tell them before the fall there was no death. Man kind was closest to God when he/she was vegan. Tell them if they want to start living the kingdom of God now as was intended they can give up the concession of eating flesh and get back to the compassion of non-violent eating.

    Quote them this passage as to what God intends us to someday evolve towards.

    "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

    And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

    And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.

    They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea." Isiah 11:6-9

  8. Tell them what I tell people.  God may have put animals on this Earth for us to eat, but he never meant for them to live miserable lives and me tortured to death.

    I have the perfect website for you to get all the information you need.  They will never mention it again once you give them all of these facts and reasons!!!

  9. Jesus ate fish?  I remember he gave fish to others, but never was it mentioned that he actually ate it himself.  Anyway...

    Just say something like, "God also put murderers on the earth for them to go around murdering."  "God put the coca plant on earth so that people could go around snorting cocaine."  

    Anyway, don't bother with such people -- waste of breath.

  10. tell them that Christ's disciple Matthew was a vegetarian...that it was only after the flood that people began to eat meat, that always, in the Bible, when the people needed food, it was provided to them in a vegatarian form... until they complained. It was only then they were given meat, and they were never as healthy when eating it. Remind them about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo (sp?) and how they were so much stronger than all the princes and royalty because they insisted on vegatable instead of meat and wine. If they want to play that game, research the Bible and play it too! Some of the Bible's greatest characters are believed to be vegetarians.

  11. Jesus did eat fish but he didnt eat his cows or sheep, you can tell them that, it says in the Bible that animals are put on this Earth to provide resources for people but in the Bible it also says that no creature should be abused, in the process of slaughter animals are on a daily bases abused, which goes against the word of the Bible.

    I get that sometimes too, ppl talk to much c**p without doing thier research first which really annoys me, in the end if they dont want to hear you then theres no point in explaining something to someone who doesnt want to listen to you,

  12. tell them to do some research on the process of slaughter houses and if the cruelty doesn't scare them the lack of sanitation will!!!

  13. tell them to **** off and pack sand.

  14. grit your teeth and move on.

  15. just don't be scared just move on open the door and say them i am a vegetarian and i would be very thankful to if you also join me

  16. be assertive and explains to them that this is your choice.

    assure them that you are healthy without meat.

    dont quarrel with them though. dont create an image of vegetarians are angry & argumentative.

    all the best ☺

  17. Just tell them it is good for you and they can eat whatever they want.  I get some heat for being vegetarian too, but that doesn't bother me.  I can't stand meat and so it makes no difference either way.

  18. I had to chuckle when I read your question. I could almost hear the 'attitude' in it. I like the previous answer, "I'm not Jesus, am I" when your family brings that up.

    You ARE entitled to make your own food choices. You know, I can think of dozens of curt comebacks for your meddling family (asking them why THEY make certain choices, etc), but that wouldn't be nice. Instead, why not just explain to them why you choose not to eat meat. If you really want to end the snide comments, you can write a letter detailing the reasons you are a vegetarian.

    Good luck!

  19. You could say that Jesus also taught compassion and love. The way animals are treated  today are anything but compassionate. You could say that God made animals with the ability to feel pain. Since He is good, he could not want them to suffer unnecessarily, like they do on modern farms.

    There is a good book out, which I have not read, by Matthew Scully, called Dominion. It makes the case for animals rights from a conservative Christian perspective.

    Again, I haven't read it, but you might in order to get some good arguments, and you could even suggest your family members read it.

  20. I dont care what Jesus ate, Im not Jesus am I??

  21. well unfortunately many vegatatarians  have been very vocal about trying to get every one to convert that some people will become defensive when you tell them, that you are one so just let them know that it does not bother you if they have made a different choice

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