
What should I think, my friend is freaking me out?

by  |  earlier

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I have had this friend for about 3 years now, we met at work and have hung out ever since, she is about 8 years younger then me, we pretty much hang out everyday she is awesome with my kids and my kids love her and my boyfriend likes the fact the she is there to help me, (I raise 4 kids alone while by boyfriend works across the country) So anyhow I love her help she has been giving me and the company she gives, but recently she has been freaking me out, like calling me and asking me what I'm doing and where I'm at, at all times! Now she has been calling my boyfriend and talking to him on the phone, and no he is totally not interested in her, trust me I know.. not only that but now she has all of my high school friends on her myspace, that she doesn't even know, but just through me, and she emails them and talks about my kids to them and about me, and she even got my password and email for my my space and reads my messages, I'm a little freaked out with her, it kind of seems to me like she is trying to take over my life, even my brothers and sisters are asking me wtf. is up with this chick, she calls me everyday non stop, I don't answer my phone and don't text her back and she will track me down whether at work or at home or at a family members house, ahhhhh!! Any how what should I do? Am I being paranoid, I have never had a friend be like this before, please any and all suggestions are welcome?? Please what should I do?




  1. no that is scary .....

  2. dude, thats creepy.. tell her she's being a creep.. and remind her who she is...

  3. tell her to Back Off, and that she's being a creeper.

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