
What should I use to bait live animal traps for coons and possums??

by Guest32267  |  earlier

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I have tried vienna sausage and tuna fish but the ants usually have it eatin up within 24 hours....It seems to be good bait since I have caught 5 coons and 6 possums within 2 months but what can I do to keep from having to rebait it every 24-48 hours??

Also what are some good methods for catching Armadillos??




  1. If the coon has seen a live trap before forget ever catching him again in one. I use can cat food with a fishy small for coons. I don't use live traps, I use steel jaw traps and I don't relocate nuisance critters.

    Also what are some good methods for catching Armadillos??

    I have a terribly funny about catching an Armadillo, but another time.

    Pick him up by the tail. Make sure the feet are not anywhere near you. NOTE: each foot has multiple nails and can shred your clothing and skin or he will roll into a ball. Exercise caution

  2. If your using a clamp trap hang the bait in the air from a limb this is what I do and it works great no ants but if you are using a trap door trap then use peanut butter.

  3. coons like anything try a jar of peanut butter with holes in it you ll be surprised as far a armadillos a 22

  4. This is what I do for a living every day

    Fishy bait will catch almost any predator or carnivorous scavenger

    Cheap smelly peanut butter also works well

    The best possum bait I have found is corn soaked in stale beer

    I use the cheap fish based cat food

    Secure the can of cat food in the middle of a larger container full of water to prevent ants getting to it

    Place the cage in shade to help slow down the foods tendency to dry out and out of the rain

    You cannot bait armadillos so you have to put the trap where you think they will travel

    Find the burrow

    Place at lest three traps around it in a star pattern with some pointing in and some pointing out and fence off the space between them

    This way you will catch him either coming or going form his den

    I have had to wait for more than a week sometimes but I always catch him

    Other than that if you can find a definitely and active trail place to cage on the trail with the opening facing him from  the direction that he will be traveling

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