
What should I use to clean the wood floors in my "new" house?

by Guest61442  |  earlier

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The house was built in 1920 and has only had two other owners. They have taken care of it really well, but the wood floors really need to be deep cleaned. Every room, upstairs and down, including the stairs, has hardwood floors. We have never had hardwood floors before so we are completely lost! Please help!




  1. Murphy's Oil Soap is pretty much the standard for regular cleaning.  It's safe for wood surfaces and smells nice too.  Just follow the directions on the bottle for mixing with water.

  2. Use a product called Murphy's oil soap.  Its specifically for cleaning hard wood floors.  You can usually find it at Target, Wal-mart etc. Its inexpensive and it works great on older wood floors.  

  3. I use Quick Shine floor cleaner and polish. It makes the floors shiney and it says it's safe on hardwood floors. Why don't you go browse the cleaning aisle at Wal-Mart and read the bottles?

  4. defends murhys oil soap is for old time wood floors tht look crappy pretty much but if it is a rich type thick nice looking floor you need something else i 4get what it is called but we hae it in our house and you can find it at home depot and when you look on the bottles they have pictures of floors what ever floor looks the closest to yours get it.we have the green wierd shaped bottle for one of ours

  5. Murphy's Oil Soap is the best cleaner for hardwood floors.  You should vaccuum the floors first to get all the dust and dirt from in between the floorboards. I would also suggest using a swiffer duster for the floors between cleanings.  I use mine at least once a week to get all the rogue dust bunnies.  Good luck and congratulations!

  6. Murphy's oil soap is the best soap to use on hardwood floors.

  7. I use this...

    ...for everyday "sweeping."

    Then sometimes I damp mop (only water) and other times I mop with Murphy's Oil diluted in water.

    Get a separate mop for hardwoods than for bathroom and kitchen floors.

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