
What should I wear (civilian clothes) to Air Force Basic Training?

by  |  earlier

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I know that I will be wearing civilian clothing for the first two days, so what should I wear that is comfortable yet under the T.I. radar?




  1. Smart casual, but comfortable. Look professional but not like a suit, shows you mean to take it all seriously, remember you will be judged and monitored from the word go, and your attitude will be noted and written up. good luck


  2. Yea, be as bland as you can be.  You want to blend in.  When I was in BMT, the instructor had to look at my name badge on my blues at the end to see what my name was.  Don't show up looking flashy or what not, you'll just be painting a target on your back.

  3. Clean jeans and a plain t-shirt (no graphics).  If you have super long hair, cut it but dont make it too short.  

  4. Comfortable pants and shirt and bring a sweatshirt of something long sleeve because the building will get cold in the middle of the night with the AC going and it makes a good pillow if they allow you to sleep at any point sitting in a chair or on the floor.  DO NOT wear any t-shirts or anything else that calls attention to yourself in anyway like a PRINCESS t-shirt.  You will be crucified just for fun and you won't like being the center of attention in a room of hundreds of people because you did not choose to go the conservative route as far as clothes and hair goes.

  5. Watch this video on youtube about basic from the TI's point of view if you haven't seen it. It shows folks arriving for basic and you can see what they're wearing.

    It seems like part 2 is no longer available. Anyway there's more than these if you want to watch.

  6. Jeans, sneakers and a plain short sleeve shirt.

  7. Wear what everybody else is wearing. A loose fitting shirt, jeans and sneakers.

  8. Be as plain as possible!!!!!!! Wear a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt. Not a t-shirt with crazy sayings or pictures on it...just as plain as you can be.

    In my flight one girl came dressed all goth. The TI zeroed in on her the entire time and made life hard. One girl had a t-shirt that had a monkey on it with some saying...I don't remember the saying but it had something to do with "I'm going bananas" or guess what the TI called her the entire time. You guessed it, Trainee Bananas.

    Good luck to you during basic training. Keep your spirits up and don't let anything they say get to you...because that is what they are trying to do.

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