
What should I wear for going out in Guatemala?

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I can only bring one outfit for going out (packing VERY light) but I would like to look cute when I go out with my boyfriend at night. I am having trouble deciding between a cute black and white summer dress, knee length black shorts with a cute tank top, a longer layered black skirt paired with some tank top, not sure yet. The sandals I am bringing are practical but still could be dressed up.

I am also having trouble deciding what to wear during the day. Capris with a tshirt would be easy, but I feel intimidated there will be beautiful women around and I will look like a schlub to my boyfriend lol. I would appreciate some help! Thanks!




  1. I was there in October about 8 years ago.  It never got below 70 degrees day or night, even when it rained.  The days were warm and we were doing a lot of walking, so it was probably in the low 80's.

    We didn't go "out" in the evening, but the restaurant at the hotel was fabulous.  I wore a street length cocktail dress to dinner and felt completely at ease.  Lunch was casual.  You'll see tourists in almost anything at the "stops."  Jeans and sports jackets  for men, jeans and blazers for women was the norm for the consulate.  Styles have changed, though.

    It's a beautiful country. Enjoy your trip.

    Edit - I should have mentioned, we were in Guatemala City most of the time.  The terrain is varied, and closer to the ocean will be warmer, I think.  Higher in the mountains may well be cooler.

  2. the things you have in mind sound fine   so really it is up to you    i recomend the dress out fit

  3. One point, Guatemala is very socially conservative and very macho, so if you don't want  lots of catcalls and other unwanted attention from men I would wear something fairly exposed midriff or cleavage, preferably long pants or dress.

  4. You should prob. pack light cool clothing for the day time and some jeans and sweaters around night time cause' it gets pretty cold. All the outfits you basically named for going out at night work great but just make sure to take a sweater or something. It's incredible how the temp. changes in all parts of Guatemala. For day wear you can take a pair of jeans and basically  what you normally wear in the u.s. is fine cause' thats mostly how everyone over there dresses. Either way, hope I helped.

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