
What should I wear to mass on easter in Paris, FR? I am coming from NJ, USA so I cant really pack a full suit

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What should I wear to mass on easter in Paris, FR? I am coming from NJ, USA so I cant really pack a full suit




  1. It is not an obligation to wear a suit to mass on Easter....

    If you are casual dressed, but not wearing sneakers or sport clothes, you'll do fine don't worry...

    Mass is not as strict as it is in the State...

  2. You don't need a full suit but don't forget to wear long sleeves + a sweater you can remove. Usually, churches are not heated in France.

  3. If your heart is clothed in righteousness then God will not care how your body is adorned.

    The Mass is not a social event to please men but a sacrament  done in obedience to the command of Jesus Christ.

    So give care to please God and not man and approach the Mass with reverance and not social anxiety.

  4. As long as you do not wear shorts and a t-shirt, you will be fine.  Just wear the same thing you would to your services in the USA.  A decent pair of trousers and a shirt and sweater would be fine, and decent shoes (try not to wear sneakers).  It is admirable that you inquired on this topic...shows that you have personal pride and sensibility.  

    Have a great time!

    Bon voyage!

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