
What should I wear to my baby shower?

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The invitations went out for my baby shower today!! Yeah! It is in 2 weeks and I will be 36 weeks pregnant. It is going to be at my best friends church. So, what should I wear and what should I have my 4 year old daughter wear? Also, do you think I should bring a gift for my 4 year old?




  1. Wear a comfortable maternity outfit. Allow the 4 yr to where casual wear, she will probably just be playing around. It isn't mandatory you get her a gift but if you do i bet everyone will think its sweet and cute.

  2. Maybe a nice summer/spring dress, same for your daughter, but it really depends on what the weather will be like then...I wore capris, and a pink maternity top.

    I would bring something for your daughter so she doesn't feel left out, everything is going to be about the new baby and she will probably feel left out, maybe go to like the dollar tree and get her some little coloring books, stuff for her to do while everyone is playing games and opening presants..have fun! I loved my baby shower! congrats

  3. I would get your 4 yr old a little gift.  That way she has something special just for her.  Also you can make her a crown out of something simple and crown her official present helper.  The little kids at my baby shower all helped me open presents and brought me gifts.  It was really cute.

    If you have a shirt like "I'm going to be a Big Sister" or Best Big Sister ever shirt, have her wear that.  If just, let her just wear something casual that you don't mind if she gets juice or cake on it.  

    For you, think future pictures.  Get a new or wear your fave cute maternity outfit that makes you feel beautiful and pregnant.  Doesn't have to be a dress (unless all your pals are Pentacostal then maybe a dress would be best), just something that makes you feel super cute and prego Not fat.  (we all know the difference).  Also, even if you don't always wear make up put a little on.  Jewelry is fun too b/c you'll get to look back at the pix and say wow, I'm a hot mom!

    Enjoy your shower and Congrats on the New One Coming!

  4. I was thinking of asking the same question today LOL.Well is it warm or cold where you live?? If its warm,you should wear a dress or a skirt.If its cold,maybe trousers and a nice top?Go to the Gap website.You'll find nice things to wear.Just keep it simply and comfy but not too plain.Dont forget the jewlery.YOu can dress up any simple outfit with those.Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy.Have fun at your babyshower!

  5. something sweet and soft, like the first answerer said... maybe a white sundress?

    and it would be too cute if your daughter wore similar colors :)

    I would get her a gift that will keep her occupied for a while!


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