
What should I wear to my interview ?

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I have an interview coming up for a position within NYS as a safety/security officer and I am not really sure what I sould wear. I am pretty sure I am going to wear a black suit but not really sure of anything else. I want to make a good impression as this interview is very important.

For example - Shoes, Shirt and Tie.

Can anybody give me some ideas and let me know if the suit would be overkill.




  1. wear the suit and shoes and tie. you need to look good. shave, do your hair speak clear but not to loud. stand up tall. don't slouch in the chiar and shake hands firm!   good luck

  2. White, pressed shirt.

    Black, polished shoes.

    An understated tie that goes with the outfit. Probably black.

  3. A blond wig and a thong.

  4. Don't make a big deal about it, casual attire is fine, the more pressure you put on thinking about the more you'll appear nervous.

  5. You can't go wrong with a suit. Looking clean and professional is the image for an interview. Also remember , hair,nails(cut) etc. to make yourself look well groomed. Good luck!

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