
What should I wear tonight to the fair?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going with my sister and brother. My sister is getting dressed up and fixing her hair, so what should I do?





    these types of outfits would be comfortable but cute to wear to the fair! as for your hair, you should leave it down or tie it up. i wouldn't suggest dressing up and curling your hair, etc. because you wouldn't feel comfortable. the most you should do to your hair is maybe straighten it and leave it down or put it up in a bun or ponytail. if you wear makeup, go for a lighter, more neutral look.

  2. a fair? as in like a carnval with rides and stuff?

    jeans? a hoodie? ur hair in a ponytail?

    its a fair

    why get all dressed up?

  3. what stuff do u have

    if u have  skinny jeans wear them a nice top and flats  

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