
What should I write specifically in an email to a friend? best answer gets ~points~

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I met someone cool in a chatroom and they give me their email addy if I wanted to keep in touch. I want to, and Im having some trouble figuring out what *exactly* to write in the email. Can anyone give me some ideas on *specific* things to say?

And I want it to be short and simple.. so what should my opening line be specifically? And how should I end the email, with "take care" or "have a good week" or something better?





  1. I think you are agonizing too much over this.  Who someone is online could be very different from who they are in real life.  

    Send a test email out.  Say that you enjoy their company and want to keep in touch.  If they reply, great.  If not, move on.  They may not even reply back.  Online friends can develp or they can be very fragile, fickle moments.  What ever you do, don't wait too long or the person will get board and move on.

    I don't know who you are.  You could be a novice or a troll.  In case you are a novice, let me caution you to never give out personal information to someone you just met.  And if you do want to meet this person, be sure it is in a public place with a lot of people and let someone you know in on this before your meeting in case something bad should happen.

  2. Be original. I don't know find a funny youtube video and talk about that or open up with a joke. talk about stuff that hapened in your day that was funny you know things that you would normally say to your friends. Be yourself.  

  3. How about

    "Hey there such-and-such".  This is So-and-so from the (chatroom).  Hope  all is well.  I'm doing great--just keeping alive the dream of overtaking the world.  

    I gotta run in a few, but drop me a line.  Talk to you soon.

    Take it easy,


  4. start with

    Hi, how are you? hope everything is going well for you.

    im glad we exchanged emails and think its great we are going to keep in touch.

    hope to hear from you soon,

    talk to you later,

    (ur name)

  5. i think you should ask them a few questions about them and tell them about yourself but keep it simple they'll probably get bored if u put too much. i think you should close it with "nice to meet you" or instead of nice u can put good.

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