
What should Russia Do?..... To be stopped?!

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They continue bombing georgian civil infrastructure and are aimint capital Tbilisi?.....

UN haven't yet published even resulution.....

NATO should intervene... this is the result gernamny and france refused MAP for georgia in April.... Many said that something like that should happen before decemeber, when georgia will receave MAP...





  1. Georgia is the aggressor in this thing.

    On Friday, Georgian forces shelled South Ossetian population centers and launched a ground invasion deep into the territory. By noon, news reports announced that they had immobilized much of the opposition and had taken control of South Ossetia's capital, Tskhinvali. The city came under attack by aircraft, artillery and armor, and South Ossetia officials claimed that more than 1,000 people had been killed.

    Russia's initial response was to convene an emergency session of the U.N. Security Council, hoping to pass a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire between Georgia and South Ossetia.

    The Security Council failed to agree on a resolution.

    President Dmitri Medvedev appeared on prime-time television to make a chilling call to arms: "I am obligated to defend the life and honor of Russian citizens, wherever they may be," he said. "We will not let those responsible for the death of our people go unpunished."

  2. That's the way of the world, be glad it isn't happening to you.

  3. Russia will stop soon enough, when it thinks Georgia has got the message.

    Anyway, perhaps Georgia shouldn't have started bombing Russian people in South Ossetya. THey started this war - they didn't have to send troops in there.The UN havn't publised a resolution because no decision has been reached, and wont be reached any time soon. NATO should not intervene, because Georgia is not a part of NATO and nor is Russia. If you want to start another world war, go ahead. Otherwise, don't worry about it. It doesn't affect you, after all. Let them get on with it, and they will stop soon enough. There are plenty of worse conflicts going on in Africa and the Middle East...

  4. A few days ago, Georgia broke a cease-fire agreement and bombed civilians. Now they are being bombed, and want the rest of the world to come to their defense and force Russia to accept a cease fire agreement. Kind of ironic, isn't it?

  5. UN is slow because it needs a lot of meetings to get a resolution.

    Russia is fast because Georgia is small and the Russian Generals have bigger power/contol over their army than the US counterparts. The Russian firepower is such wide zone and not precision target.

    They stopped when the Generals are happy with what their cabinet promises.

  6. NATO and the UN really don't have any power, Russia is the one who has the ball in their hand.

  7. Which questions was born in your head when USA was bombing Serbia?

    What do you think about Kosovo independence?

    Why Iraq was occupied by USA?

    Remember, Israel started last war for 2 soldiers. In S.Ossetia there are 2000 civilian  and 18 peacekeepers already died.  

  8. while UN was thinking about the resolution, lots of people died and not only in the conflict zone!

    Georgia is bombed for its course - to be western democratic and liberal country.

    i guess it was wrong from Georgia as had such neighbour at the north such as Russia , whos absolutely not approving this fact. But is it enough reason to start the war?! i guess not! every country can be whateva they wanna be, cuba leads the way it wans Korea too, every1 in the whole lotta world, why cant Georgia chose its own way, even if its wrong?!  

  9. The only thing the Russians understand is the threat of a beating and that's what we should offer them.  

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