
What should Sarah Palin's priorities be in the next few weeks?

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A) Deal with her ethics investigation regarding "troopergate"

B) Learn what a Vice President is supposed to do

C) Fight corruption in the Republican Party in Alaska

D) Learn what the national and international issues are so she can speak credibly on them.

E) Solve the Russia/Georgia Crisis in her role as a resident of the state closest to Russia.

F) Spend some time moose hunting since the season began on Monday.




  1. Drop out of the campaign and focus on her own family.  

  2. Campaign for VP

    Fight corruption if she has time for it.

    Hunt some moose and cook John McCain a mooseburger.

  3. Her kids, but that is not saying that i don't believe that you can have a job a work. Her oldest daughter is pregnant and  her youngest is a special needs child.  She needs to handle the stuff going on in her own life

  4. vaseline

  5. All of the above and she might want to find a little time to have a talk with her daughter.  

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