
What should W's punishment be for taking the U.S.A. to war on admittedly "faulty intelligence"?

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  1. What should be done and what it will be are 2 different things.Nothing is going to happen to him as there family has to much pull and can get things stopped.The best punishment we can hope for is that nobody pays to hear the clown speak or that the history books tell the truth about bush and cheney.

  2. Don't think there's anyone to be blame for it.

    We are all part of it.

    The mystery of us-911 expose the misery of our children living in misery with faulty communication system without being aware of it.

    With us all getting caught with pants down without being aware on what went wrong out there.

    Thanks to your little horror chucky in shaking and waking us up before further damage being done in time.

    Exodus 20. 5

    Luke 11.28-30


    Luke 21.30-36

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 11.33-36, 46,52

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Luke 24,44-45, 47-49

    John 7.19

    What do you think?

  3. I am not aware that the USA is at WAR.

    Please tell me which conflict you consider to be a war!

  4. How about Waterboarding? He said himself it doesn't count as torture...

  5. Well it seems he got his intelligence from the Clinton Administration:

    "One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them.  That is our bottom line."----------President Clinton, February 4, 1998

    People who think George Bush invented the notion that Iraq had WMD's make me laugh.

  6. If people were really concerned about that, then Bill Clinton would long since have been punished for attacking Yugoslavia.

  7. I don't have  a problem with him coming to the same conclusion about WMD's as the previous administration and many of his current detractors.

    As soon as he stepped into office he became public enemy number 1 of most news media and all liberal democrats.   No matter what he did good or bad from that moment on became instantly dissected and pronounced as stupid and wrong by all of the extreme left.  

    If liberal democrats make the same pronouncements and decisions as W, then they are seen as wise and thoughtful.

    It's hard to take the main media seriously, perhaps that's why they are going down the tubes as far as readership and advertising.

    On another note.  WMD was not the only reason for going to war.  Also,  we gave Iraq about a year advance notice, plenty of time to hide their WMD's in Syria.

    If you want to criticize W, make it something that is a valid topic, like his weakness on illegal immigration or the stupid and wimpy stimulus package, or the retarded energy bill that will outlaw incandescent lightbulbs and force us to use CFL's that all have mercury in them.

  8. Jeff Smoker-  Are you serious?  He got his "intelligence" from Clinton?  Because Clinton said he was determined to keep Iraq from getting WMD's, that's the same as using false information to justify an invasion?  

    Bush got his "intelligence" from the "Italian letter" which had been debunked for over a year when he made the "16-word" statement in his address to Congress.  Even after it was debunked, Cheney told the CIA to send someone over there to see if they could find some way to support the false information in it.  The CIA sent Joe Wilson.  Joe Wilson found nothing.  Cheney ignored it.  Wilson wrote an op-ed (a letter, to the NY Times) to make his findings public.  Cheney had Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, outted as a CIA operative.  Treason.

    Sorry, U.S. Veteran, I forgot to answer your question.  As a veteran, you have more right to say what should be done to these people for killing over 4,000 U.S. Service men and women, than I.  Impeach them all, I say.  Thanks for your service and sacrifice.

    Edit: US Veteran, you are MUCH more than welcome. :)

  9. 8 more years!

    If you want to Punish President Bush, why not Punish those Congresses who voted for the War too??  Bill Clinton started the WMD in the 90s too. so he should be executed.

  10. Well I'm sure I just don't know were you lot are going, as this had nothing to do with WMD, that was only a cover story, it was ALL to do with what W.Bush's daddy said, remember his little speech about a New World Order, what do you think he meant by those words?.

  11. george w. bush has committed High Treason by taking America to war on faulty intelligence.

    Anybody with any doubts about this need only do a google on the "16 words in bush's State of the Union address."

    The yellow cake was a LIE.

    bush took us to WAR over a LIE ....  for what?

    The legal punishment for High Treason is HANGING.

    We shall accept no substitute.

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