
What should a 14 year old girls 50 freestyle time be??

by  |  earlier

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Don't say it an average maybe...mines a 28 rite now. Is that okay??




  1. you are either average or a little bit above average, i think your time is good. a good goal for this next winter season would be a low 27 or a high 26

  2. It varies on what you want to be.

    Jr. National cut is a 24.53

    That would be a really good time to have.

  3. That's really good!!!

  4. 28 was what the better girls on varsity had last high school swim season.  With a 28 secound 50 you would definatly be up to speed with the other girls at a highschool varsity swim meet.  If you want to get faster swim pick up the pace just one or two notches during practice and practice drills to work on your technique

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