
What should a 15 year old girl be concentrating on?

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  1. The most important things to concentrate on at this age are doing well in school, maintaining strong family relationships, and forming supportive and long-lasting friendships.  Save the boyfriends until later, when the boys have matured enough to appreciate and respect you.  Don't worry too much about what you want to be when you are older, either.  Your ideas about your future career will probably change several times before you even get to college, so don't stress if you're not sure yet.  Concentrate on figuring out who you are as a person and maintaining your integrity and individuality.  Don't try to grow up too fast, because when you get older, you'll find yourself wishing you had made the most of childhood while you were still in it.  Keep an open mind and seize new experiences and opportunities as they come along.  Learn to adapt to whatever life throws your way.  Do some volunteer work, or have a summer job that interests you.  Who knows, you might develop a lifelong passion for something you never considered before.

    Basically, at age 15, concentrate on becoming a more mature and responsible individual, but have fun while doing it!

  2. well you SHOULD be focusing on school

    but i know you probably wont lol i dont either :P

    for me its mainly;




    having fun




    lmfaooo :D

  3. im 15 and my main thing is school [believe it or not i hate school]

  4. School should be top priority at 15, it's what's gonna make or break your future. Next should be friends and fun for sure!

  5. Boys and School

  6. Education, Friends, Music, Fashion, Boys

  7. school

    going out with pals..

    not thinking about getting up duff.

  8. well, i'm 15, and i concentrate on.





  9. well I'm 15

    my priorities:

    -Finding myself

    - Having THE best time

    - Friends/guys

    - School work

    - enjoying the lastest of childhood

    - work

    :) thats my life!

  10. School first.  Everything else is secondary.

  11. im 15 so heres what im always thinking about..please dont judge me.

    boyfriends, dating, friends, s*x, family, future, love, being excepted, drama

  12. In order of most important-least important:



    Activities outside schoolFinding out about yourself (Although that happens every day no matter what you do!)

    Looks and getting a bf/gf should be the last things on your mind in schooltime! I wouldn't put them at the top of my list of things to worry yourself about in life full-stop.

  13. School, the future

  14. My daughter is now 17 but when she was 15 her priorities were school, family, and friends. Being a mom I think its very important at that age for a balance of everything. Social is very important for self esteem and confidence, of course an education also plays a big part in that and family time to make her know that she is always loved. I'm not sure if this helped but I know that my daughter is looking at colleges now and is a very beautiful person inside and out. I am very blessed with my children.

  15. Education, health, figuring out what you want to do with your life, meeting decent boys.

  16. School, boys- BUT TO A LIMIT, friends, college.

  17. Her studies

    Extracurricular activities (charity work, sports, instruments etc)

    Her friends

  18. school

  19. school



  20. school. family. friends. jobs. extra school stuff.  

  21. education, friends/family, commitments (sport teams, charity works and etc) and herself.

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