
What should a 5 week old be doing?

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My son turned 5 weeks yesterday. What should he be doing already and what games and playtime do you suggest? What is everyone elses 5 week old doing?




  1. I put mine in the jolly jumper, though she had very strong legs and never wanted to lay down to long and is extremely hyper. Shes a pro, jumps like crazy. ONLY put him in if hes ready and can hold head up well. ALso i put mine in a jungle gym, shed swat at toys or look in the mirror

  2. Babies don't do too much at 5 weeks.  He should be eating well, sleeping well, and making good eye contact.  You may get some smiles too :)

  3. eating and sleeping are his main duties. Yours is feeding, changing and making sure he's nice and warm. Oh and loved :D

  4. Sleeping, eating, pooping and growing.  Talk to him while he is awake and visual activities are best.  Not much else is needed.

  5. eat, sleep, p**p and tummy time.  

  6. At 5 weeks he is still considered a newborn.  He should be eatting every few hours..... taking several naps.... and soiling several diapers a day.  He may begin to be up for a little longer periods during the day.  Use this time to bond with him and let him get to know you.  Singing..... and talking to baby is great for bonding.  Also giving him a nice massage and showing him different objects is good stimulation.  You can even read to him and show him the pictures if you find you are at a loss for words.  I also loved taking my son for walks in the stroller...... he would just stare up and the sky and take in the different surroundsing before falling asleep.  

  7. mostly sleeping, eating and pooping/peeing lol :-)

    but also:

    By this point, your baby will be smiling more and more, and might start smiling in response to you smiling or playing with him. He will be able to respond to bells and whistles by turning his head, cooing, crying, and smiling. Since he should have mastered lifting his head 45 degrees in the first month, he should be able to hold it up for an extended period of time by now.

    That smile lighting up your baby's face -- and your own -- may be the real thing. You can tell it's a social smile if he uses his entire face to tell you he's pleased. Though babies will smile only when they're ready, you can get yours there faster by cuddling, tickling, and playing with him.

    By this time your baby can focus both eyes on an object and has begun to prefer more complex designs, colours, and shapes. He can track movement, which means that a simple rattle passed in front of his face can transfix him. Or you can play eyes-to-eyes -- move very close to his face and slowly nod your head from side to side. He'll follow you raptly, and you may even get another smile, or chuckle, out of him.

  8. check out they have a section for activities based on babies age

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