
What should a bbt chart look like if you're pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 3 or 4 dpo and my temp on O day went from o day 97.6, 97.9, 98.4 and today 98.2. I know it's too early for me but I'm so confused on what happens when your preg. does temp keep rising, go up and down etc? What does your coverline mean? How is it determined? I'm using




  1. Hi!  

    It's so hard to tell!  Your chart can really look like anything, the key feature being that your temp shouldn't dip down below your coverline.

    I'm 19 weeks pregnant, and I charted my way through the beginning of this pregnancy.   Here's the link to my chart, so you can see what *one* pregnancy chart looks like!

    ***baby dust***

  2. Coverline is basically your average temp before ovulation. After ovulation, your temps do go up, but it is unlkely that you would see it until you are closer to 6-7 DPO. If you are pregnant, you shoudn't have any signifigant drops in temp nless it is only one day around 7 DPO, that could be an implantation dip. Good luck

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