
What should a guy do if a girl slaps him?

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For example if a girl hits him in any way regardless even if he did or did not deserve it. Do you think it is okay if he over powers the girl just to make her stop?




  1. walk away.

    if you're hitting someone hoping for a cute bear hug, knock it off.

  2. I think it would just be best to get as far away from her as possible.  She is obviously out of control and you bing in control will just frustrate her more.  Walk away from her.

  3. I mean I guess if she is going whacko on him!  If she won't stop beating him than yeah anyone whether male or female would try to stop the person!!

    Who wouldn't?

    Now if she just walked up and slapped him and walked away.  I think a lot of men just take that and brush it off.

  4. A man should never strike a woman or child, unless she's got a weapon to kill him with. If a woman hits you, turn away and walk. :D

  5. Overpowers her... That's very vague. One slap is one slap.. No need to overpower unless she's in a rage.. He should never hit her, but she should never have hit him.. I believe that an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind, but if he used his strength to restrain her, it's better than what she chose.

  6. Walk away.  Just because you CAN overpower her doesn't mean that it's the best solution.

  7. he should stop doin what he did to deserve a slap

  8. If a girl just slaps a guy one time and that is it he should report her actions to the proper authorities.  Guys are physically stronger than girls so it is no credit to the guy if he strikes back.  But the girl deserves to be punished.  

    If a girl is repeatedly striking a guy he has the right to defend himself.

  9. Nobody should hit anyone just for fun.. a girl should respect a guy and a guy should respect a girl but it's a bit hard for a guy to respect a girl if she slaps him without a reason.. and if she does that.. a guy is physically stronger..  the best thing a guy can do and I don't mean hitting her back that would be wrong.  he should take both her hands hold them in a deadlock grasp without hurting her wrists... and send her home.. or if he is at her place.. he should leave. she obviously has temper tantrums and needs to cool down she has to learn that if she wants to be respected by a guy she has to show him respect but a real guy with good manners will never hit a girl back.. he will hold her hands together so she cannot move them like she was handcuffed and he will say '' We talk again when you are yourself again..'' that would be a normal and nice guys behaviour.... to a hysterical female who hits him without a reason.. xx

  10. No women should slap a man just as no man should not slap a women

    i think yes he should over power her so she will stop the only thing with that if for some reason cops get involed they will side with the b---ch

  11. Drop her off, smile, and say "see ya."

  12. As I don't think a man should hit a woman I don't think a woman should hit a man.

    I was in a relationship with a man that his woman used to hit and beat up on him...the first altercation we got in to(which was just raised voices) he said he was unsure if I was gonna come out the kitchen with pans.

    I think if you, as a woman, hit a man you better be expecting to get knocked the mess out. If you hit first then he can press charges on you and claim self defense. I have seen it happen. Though most cops don't side with a man in a domestic case it does happen.

    Woman just remember this "power over you" is just as powerful as you let it be. Same for the men...this ego of I'm a bad broad and I'll fight you is idiotic. I have had once incident with my guy where I got loud and he grabbed my face(like made my lips like a fish) and he knew the second he looked in my eyes that he made a mistake. It is a decision you make as a person weather you will tolerate that behavior. If you want that type of attention then stay...if not then get out and file restraining orders. Simple as that.

  13. We have just came out of the era of feminism. Where did the notion come from that it is much more taboo to hit a woman than a man. Women are not much (if at all weaker) than the average man. So why is it not acceptable to hit a woman back in self defence. It should be very insulting to women that men find it so taboo to hit them.

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