
What should a guy do when the girl he likes gets rejected by another man?

by  |  earlier

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I know I should be gentle with her because she is probably crushed and devastated, I have already tried to make her feel better by telling her it was his loss, but she still seems hurt. I want to show her I am a caring guy and I have feelings for her, but in a sincere way. Any pointers? I don't have much experience in the dating area :S




  1. Get her on the rebound dude. She'll be an easu f|_|ck.

    Cheers mate, happy pounding.

  2. Just tell her that she is beautiful and has a great personality and any guy that isn't a total d**k would be happy to have her.

    Answer mine?;...

  3. comfort her

    make her feel secure(make her laugh)

    and protect her

  4. idk, but i guess you just have to help her out, win her over.

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