
What should a notarized letter contain for allowing a child to travel with one parent?

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Am traveling from U.S. to South America but its only for about 2 weeks...The following questions are:

Is there any specifics as to other than the authorizing parent stating that he is ok for a son to travel with his mom outside the country and signing it? Any specific details it should include? Is there a sample one that I could use as reference to do one? Its my first time and want to make sure its all done correctly and will not have any trouble. If any of you could provide a sample one as to how to write one up it be most hopeful. Thank you.




  1. It should have the child's name at the top of the letter and it just basically has to say that the other parent is fine with their child going out of the country with the other parent and then he or she has to sign and date it.

    Something similar to this,

    I authorize my child, (child's name), to travel out of the country with his mother, (mothers name). I understand that they are going to South America and will be gone for approximately two weeks.

    Fathers signature and date.

    They may ask to see the child's birth certificate, so that should be brung.

  2. i assume you have custody of your child and she does not...if you are still married she doesnt need this letter..just his passport and that would really be it.

  3. The most important thing is for her to take your son's birth certificate, and obviously photo id for both of them (passport). I have never needed a "permission letter" from my husband to travel with my own children. She should also be sure to take all health insurance ids.

  4. Each country that you will travel to will have a certain issues regarding unaccompanied child that will be required in order to enter.  I would suggest that you check with the embassy of the country the child will be visiting or that you call the airline that the child will be taking.  If the child doesn't have the correct information to enter the country the child will be unable to travel.

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