
What should a person do when someone's ignoring they have a right to be mad?

by  |  earlier

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Is it wrong to ask what's going on, and if you don't receive any response, you still 'bother' them again to see? I guess it's better than just wondering. What if they ignore you again? Is it immature?




  1. It's ok to ask why they ignore you.. if they won't reply then they are immature..  leave them alone... a mature person would say what's up and why they ignore you.. . if you made a mistake or hurt their feelings if they were mature they would let you know... so ask them once... and if you get no response then look for new friends.... they obviously aren't worth it... I would move on and not be mad at them.. if they won't tell me if I stepped on their toes without having intended to hurt their feelings and they don't tell me.. I can't say ''I'm sorry.. so they are immature.. they bear a grudge and won't talk about it.. I would move on...

  2. If they really are ignoring you, then either they have a low set point for human interaction; they are tired and don't feel like talking....or they are up set about something.  

    Talk to them if you have to for the purpose of your job, and if they still ignore you, set up a safe situation to talk between you and that person and perhaps even a supperviser.

    Don't sweat it.

  3. There is nothing wrong about inquiring why someone is upset with you.  Nobody wants to have someone mad at them.  But, don't be a nag either.

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