
What should a private teacher do if his pupil is rude?

by Guest57835  |  earlier

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I have a very rude pupil, who is a very spoilt child and his parents teach him that he is a genius. and sometimes I have the feeling that his parents consider that it is a great honour for teachers to work with their child. And the child thinks in the same way, too. he is clever, but not very clever kid. he is like any other child of his age- he is 11 years old. what should the teacher do?




  1. umm just sit own and talk to him in a very seriouse but non mean type voice and tell

    him he is being rude and help him out?!

  2. Bust out the meter stick.

  3. Talk to the parents about it.  Ask them not to over-encourage and indulge him.

  4. I've found that a lot of kids really don't believe, or possibly agree, that they are being rude.  Most children want to please you and act out what they've learned.

    I would personally pull the child over (at recess) and say that you're hurt because of (fill in the blank).  Keep pulling him in at recess or p.e. (or whatever he really enjoys) and talking to him sincerely.  Explain that you really want to help him because you feel that he may not know he's being rude, and it will cause him great problems as he gets older. DO NOT let him think that you are trying to punish him...he will just act worse to punish you.  You must make him believe that you believe you're trying to help him.

    Explain that you feel he may feel insecure in the day's lessons, and ask him to take a little oral test to be sure he understands.  That is your job after all to help all students.

    Anyway, keep pulling him from his favorite classes to help him. After a while, he'll get the message that even if he doesn't believe he's been rude, you do...and he'll respond well.  If he doesn't, he'll soon realize that he will continue to miss free time.

  5. Well you're a private school teacher...and you teach at a private school (a place where rich people send their kids so they can do what they want and eventually get a good job like mom and dad)...when in Rome, do what the Romans do... there's not much you can do or should do if you don't want to make waves... especially to an 11 y/o.

  6. Challenge him with studies that will humble him. You are smarter than an eleven year old child. If his parents believe that he is a "genius" make him prove it.  

  7. If the kids rude, and the parents support it, there really isn't that much you can do about it. I'm a student in a private school and i have tons of kids that kinda p**s off the teachers, and their parents don't give a c**p. Maybe if he is bad enough you could send him to the principals, or give him detention. then he will shut his mouth.  good luck with that.. :)

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