
What should a soccer player eat in order to have more energy?

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what should i eat in order to have more energy to keep on running? I started playing soccer 5 months ago and i quit smoking thinkig that cigarretes were the main reason i couldnt keep up with the other guys, but i am still slower that most of them my trainer keeps on telling to cutt off junk food and sodas, does that really make a diference? (i just thought he was saying that to make us loose weight and that would make us faster) what can give me energy? Can having a good diet be the same as taking an energy drink to keep on moving?




  1. I'd say you need the same as anyone else in need of energy.

    You should eat a lot of carbohydrates and proteins. Also make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals. (use supplements if needed)

  2. bananas. healthy and lots of energy. i play soccer

  3. You are what you eat. The less sugar the more stamina. You want a high protein diet. Meat, cheese, eggs, and nuts are a few examples. Stay away from soda. It is like drinking poison for an athlete. Always read the back of food products, and look for protein and sugar.

  4. I'd say pineapple and green tea, it really energizes you and lasts, plus its healthy too.  

  5. Yes, I'd recommend cutting out the sodas and junk food.  They might give you a quick lift of energy but you'll fade fast unless you've had a healthy meal and eat a variety of good foods (fish, pasta, fruits, vegetables).  Also, make sure to drink plenty of water before and after training and get good nights sleep.  Overall, it may take time to build up endurance; it’s not going to happen over night.  It takes consistency in both diet and regular training to play soccer at a high level.

    This site offers some good tips:

  6. A good diet during the off days is a great idea...make sure it doesn't have a whole lot of carbs...and take in as much protein as possible...this way you can keep your weight steady and build far as game day goes you don't want to eat right before a game...however the meal you have closest to game time should be packed with slow burning carbs...not a bunch of sugar or heavy starches...what always works best for me is has alot of carbs that stay with you for a long time...alot of carbs means alot of energy to far as the actual game in my personal experience energy drinks weren't that good except for Propel by Gatorade...if I couldn't find any of that I just stuck with water

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