
What should a teen with social anxiety do if..?

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her school schedule is messed up but she is afraid to go to the counselors and talk about it...and she doesn't want to go to the wrong class because it would be embarrasing?




  1. sorry to say i would suck it up and go to the consular or a trusted teacher.

    last year at my middle hundreds of kids where lined up outside the counselors office on the first week of school it was insane.

    good luck and i hope this helped.

    please choose as best answer

  2. Have your parents either call or go in and see your counselor so he/she can straighten it out. =]

  3. can't you do it online?

  4. talk to your counselors over the phone....its much less embarrassing than in person  

  5. you shouldnt be afraid to talk to somebody about it,

    you have to tell somebody otherwise nothing will ever change.

    atleast tell your parents or even your friends.

    hope that helps :))

  6. OK...Social Anxiety is treated with two forms of therapy;  Pharmacological and Behavior Modification(BM).  Personally I don't recommend medicine I believe the best method is BM.  This is therapy.  First you should script what you want to say to your counselor, then practice your script.  You may even want to let the counselor know (through e-mail) if possible that you need these things done but you are dealing with social anxiety and you want to come in and make your request with him as a form of therapy.

    Are you diagnosed?  Do you have a therapist?  Ask your therapist to set it up.

    Good Luck.  You can do it.  Just go slow. (Thumbs up.)

  7. what do you mean she's afraid to go to her counselors? She must. She must! Or suffer the consequences.

  8. tell her to talk to her counselor

  9. I use to be a little shy buy just go to the counselor. You are talking at least. They are not going to kill you.  

  10. uhh why wud you be scared to talk to the counsler??

  11. ask your parents to call the school....

    good luck, i know how it feels to have social anxiety, it ******* sucks!!!

  12. The councelors aren't going to say anything mean to you. Just go have your schedule fixed.

  13. just go to the counselor I'm always scared to but they help and ask teachers in the hallway!  

  14. as a fellow teen with social anxiety, i understand where you're coming from.  do you have a good enough relationship with your parents that they could come with? or maybe make phone calls to try to change it?

    obviously you'll either have to face your fears, or possible end up going to the wrong classes, so you might as well fix it.  just's the conselors JOB to be understanding.  they see so many students, they probably forget a lot of students.  youre just a face in the crowd, so if you mess up or say something stupid, it really doesnt matter. just laugh it off.  good luck. =)

  15. um i have social anxiety and id have no problem going to my counselors to fix my schedule. that's that they are there for they see it like every day and they aren't gonna think your weird for coming in. it'd be much less traumatic to go to the counselor then to walk into the wrong classroom.  

  16. I had the same problem with my teen I went with her and met with the counselor and  she now  has a fantastic schedule, you need to talk to your teen about fear/ low self esteem.If she would be sooooooo embarrassed if you went with her  then   CALL THE COUNSELOR ASAP... YOU can do this over the phone...Call the school's main number ans ask to speak to her counselor.

    Get going now before everything is set and her schedule cant be changed.   Its now or never !!

  17. talk to your counseler...dont wanna get screwed do you?

  18. Counselors DON'T bite. They are there primarily to help you. Take the advantage of this opportunity and get your schedule fixed.

    Best of luck, Dear! =]

  19. She would e mail or call the councilor, or suck it up and go see her. Sorry i don't know what social anxiety is but i have an idea. she might ask her parents to call or go in and talk for her if the school is understanding of her condition this should be understandable.  

  20. Well maybe you could ask a friend for help

    hope your okay

  21. aw don't be scared to talk to your counselors at school.

    that is what they are there for, simply go to them & tell them what is wrong with your schedule. everything will work out [:  

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