
What should a tutor do if his pupil is rude?

by Guest45271  |  earlier

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What should a tutor do if his pupil is rude?




  1. It really depends on what level in education people are working.  In elementary school, sit the kid in the corner.  In middle school, call the parents.  In high school, send the student to the office.  In college, kick the kid out of class.

  2. Drop them. Tutoring is a business. You are there to teach, the student is there to learn. Even if, and perhaps especially, if you are offering your services as a tutor for free, or minimal charge, you deserve respect.

    Therefore, if you have a supervisor, speak with him/her about the problem, insist that a meeting be set up with the parent/ parents about this issue and insist that something be done, or you will not be willing to tutor this child anymore. OR if this is an adult student, sit down with the student, in the presence of a supervisor, and state directly that disrespect will not be tolerated, and that a certain level of work must be maintained, or the sessions will end. Period.

  3. Leave.  Let them tutor themselves.

  4. Explain the behavior that is being exhibited by the student to the student. Let the student know that the behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Set rules/guidelines and consequences. Do not back down.

  5. In most cases, the pupil may feel stupid or insignificant for having to go to tutoring, or when he/she doesn't understand something. So, rather than expose their insecurities, they retaliate. Try to have patience with this kid. You also may want to contact the parents, and see if they have any tips on behavior control.

  6. Quit.  And if they are minors tell their parents the reason why.

  7. Thrash them to within an inch of their life, Oh the good old days, don't ya just miss em?

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