
What should an applicant look for in grad programs in psychotherapy?

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There are so many different paths to become a therapist it is bewildering. Looking for advice about what to look for in a program that is for practitioners.Also what is the advantage of MSW versus counseling psychology masters?




  1.  info there.  Typically a person would apply to a clinical psychology or counseling psychology program.   The specific emphasis in type of therapy comes via classroom, then a one year internship.  There are hundreds of therapies these days.  You need to first focus on a graduate program, not just specifically therapy if you are interested in being a psychology.  Psychotherapy per se "training" is usually not apa accredited, hence hard to be licensed, or if, not respected in the community.  MSW counseling vs. counseling will have more flexibility and make more money with a psychology degree. also has info on salaries.  ( you can search on any occupation to read about it, look at average salaries, and projections for the future, all based on real stats).

    Good luck to you!  (psychologist/ college prof)

  2. I'd honestly talk to students and graduates of several schools. Nothing will tell you more about the program than feedback from those who are in the process of or have already completed it.

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