
What should be an appropriate title?

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What should be an appropriate title for a project where the topic is: Develop an illustrative study of the contributions to world peace of the United Nations Organization.





  1. UN: Making the world a better place

  2. *United Peace   *Together we are United

    i don't know!

  3. 1.  The UN: What I Did Last Summer- a Pictorial

    2.  United Nations Illustrated- Contributions to World Piece Edition

    3.  UN Contributions to World Piece: a study in self-aggrandizing, bureaucratic futility.

  4. Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. "The U.N.- Achieving peace by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!"

  6. "A Study in the Total Failure of the Third World Debating Society"  would be a good title

  7. HA HA HA HA HA!

    Memoirs of an Inept Organization

    Like they have ever done anything toward world peace.

  8. The UN, Peace makers or War Mongers?

  9. Has there been any contributions to world peace by the U.N.?

  10. Give Peace a Chance - is the best title for the achievement of world peace because countries tend to use illegal means to serve their interests by invading and occupying weak countries.

  11. How about "an illustrative study of the contributions to world peace of the United Nations Organization"

  12. UNO: Not Just a Game, But a Quest For World Peace

  13. I want a piece of peace.

    I want a piece of pie!

    I totally heart peace and the UNO.

    Peace, piece, pees <--are they all the same?

    Think about it, what is The UNO



    Those are my titles. Enjoy!

  14. The United Nations - the UNorganization!

  15. Here's an idea that is long overdue for the UN! Let the UN bestow World Citizenship to any individual it chooses! This citizenship would be recognized by every nation on Earth! The first one to receive such global recognition should be Kofi

    Annan as Secretary General of the UN! With this acceptance of citizenship comes the fact that all of their income taxes are paid only into the UN General Fund and not to any specific nation state. This is going to drive israel completely nuts!

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