
What should be done? Is this really Harassment? It is Illegal?

by  |  earlier

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While on the bus going to my Nursing course from High School, the driver of the bus i was on, was driving without a seat belt, AND he was on his cell phone. The driver was driving fast enough I thought he was going to hit another car. When I reported him, the resopind i recieved was " I dont think bus drivers need to wear seat belts" from the transportation office. The next day, I got on the bus and the driver along with the bus aid started laughing histerically; another student mentioned that there was bus drivers smoking so it was added to the report. But when I got on the bus and the laughing started the driver said " Well Hello there" and I didn't say anything, just sat down. Then as I sat the aid on the bus said " Dont forget to turn your cell phone off, put on your seatbelt and put your cigarette out too" and everyone on the bus laughed histerically. I reported this again and wrote a written report on the event. I really need some advice on what should be done because I'm lost.




  1. Call and ask to speak to a supervisor that is in charge and tell him or her just what is going on and see if something can be done, good luck.

  2. Well, "NOW IT'S ON!!!"

    You have NOTHING to lose, and they have everything to lose.

    Keep reporting the behavior.  If you need, feel free to video it on your cell phone.

    I'm guessing that seat-belt use is a law in your state for bus well as speed limits and stopping at railroad crossings.

    I don't know about cellphone use, but you can check that law too.

    Keep reporting legitimate violations and you may get your wish of a better ride to school (which is paid for by taxes I presume).

  3. Humiliating you and belittling you like that is unacceptable.

    You should write a written complaint to the head of Transport, and if it's overlooked take it further.

    It's rude that he said something like that. He shouldn't be doing that as it is putting everyone on that bus in danger of injury caused by an accident. If he does it again point out that it is unfair that you put everyone else's life at risk by doing those stupid things he's doing.

    You are completely right by asking this question.

    I hope something is done about this matter.

    Good Luck :)

  4. Check With The State Some States Have State Tran. Directors.Some Bus Inspectors And Driver Trainer. Any Of These Would Be A Good Start. Tape Recorder Camera Or Contact The Media. Keep Documenting Everything.And Yes It Is Illegal Not To Wear Seat Belt While Driving A Bus.If You Didn't Get Any where With Tran Office Go Further Up Like Superintendent Or A Member Of The School Board.

  5. That was a brave thing you did, too bad everyone took it as a joke and not seriously. You are definitely doing the right thing! It sounded like you were being mocked! If I were you, I would tell your parents about this situation and have them contact the Bus company and tell them what had happened!

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