i am an adult grown 26 year old male and my mother stalks me, badly! this is extremely high level of control... i mean it couldnt be more blatant and nothing is ever done about it. i can do nothing about it. my father is extremely bad as well. my sister is g*y. my best friend is dead. there isnt anyone to turn to. things could get worse. i dont want to turn into norman bates.m - for real. when i went to college is when i first started seeing how bad it is and that i am really a hostage of their insanity. she said things out of the blue in my new home in another state 'you have to give us some control' and there was no dialogue.. it came out of nowhere. my sister made me so sick that i decided it would be best to move back to my home town, which is a large city, and get my own place and work... i worked with my father... got anxiety. then i moved back into the house at home for a year and my mother had drilled a hole in my bathroom door to stalk me. then i moved to an apartment and she would come over to my house at random times just to see if my car is there. or if i was in the hot tub chilling out at their house i would see her staring out of her bathroom window stalking me. she is sick... what can i do? thanks.