
What should be done about rising gas prices and who to REALLY blame!!??

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im disgusted.




  1. I think the real solution is unfortunately years away, and it lies in the inclusion of new fuel sources into the building of cars, and maybe ways to alter the cars we have to run on something else... Anything ELSE!!

  2. The Federal Reserve did it.

  3. What can be done?  Wait... they'll fall when the oil boom goes bust in 3-5 years.

    Who is to blame?  Speculators are partly to blame, but the most of the rise in price is due to the falling dollar... The dollar is falling because the fed is lowering the interest rate.  The fed is lowering the interest rate because of housing market - the problems in the housing market are due to people buying houses they couldn't afford.

  4. Some say that there's an increase in demand from China, others say that OPAC and all the middle east countries are pushing up the price to get at us, and others say it's to pay for the shortage that's coming up in 5 to 10 years.

    If we're going to agrue with the government and force a change and get something done we need to AVOID the global warming arguement. Because lately that has been turned into an opinion rather than a science.

    The way I look at it is this; during the cold war the government spent billions, yes, billions of dollars on weapons and research for a "possible attack" from the communists...that never happened.

    Now faced with an oil crisis, a real problem that has already ripped apart our economy (which by the way they were worried in the late 80's and early 90's that a SLOW change over to renewable energy would do that) they're scratching their heads and biting their nails and making up excuses as to why they can't even put forth the effort of spending a fraction of the cold war budget (which we have yet to pay off) to make something that will be useful to us when oil finally runs out.

    In a sense it is kind of our fault. As the people we should've pushed the government further in this matter, we should've demanded a change...and we still can.

    If you want to change and you want something done Write to your Congressman. Tell him how pissed off you are. And tell him that they need to make a change other than cutting back on oil use. And if need be play the "I won't vote for you" card. Remember it's ALWAYS election year to a congressman.

    I might add that a decent book to read about Oil companies, politics, and the tricks they play is "The Carbon War" by Jeremy Leggett (he now works for Greenpeace), he worked for oil companies during the late 80's early 90's and reveals the dirty politicans that are profiting from the oil and the pain at the citizens pump and even pay-off they gave scientists to keep their mouths shut about the environmental impacts.

  5. You might try using less gasoline.  I'm not going to stop driving to church or work, but I'm cutting down on unnecessary trips.

    Electric lawnmowers, edgers, chainsaws and the like would work just fine for most homeowners.  Some are even learning to use bicycles and scooters like the Europeans.

  6. There are the speculators and there is the global boom and demand, but the real reason is the ever falling dollar. Oil is control by price in US dollars, which means if the dollar isn't worth much than oil prices go up. Just think about the countries where the US dollar is still worth 3 times more than their money. There are some poor people in other countries paying $9-$13 a gallon. Ridiculous!!! That's why I believe the price of oil should not be controlled in just US dollars. It screws the whole world not just the US. We are to blame for the gas prices around the world and here in our country!!!

  7. We have no one to blame but ourselves. We all should invest in bio diesel running cars and trucks.

  8. It is the value of the dollar.

    The "Fed" is mostly to blame.

    Another culprit is the fact that you cannot drill, and refine. Therefore, no "small oil", therefore no "free market". The big few oil companies are a government protected monopoly, as there are walls of laws around them blocking competition.

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