
What should be done if your married and you suspect your partner of CHEATING?

by Guest63970  |  earlier

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If you had a feeling that they were creeping, would you trust them enough to not use a condom/?. I'm not married, but I'm just curious, I've cheated on one of my girl friends in the past(not proud), and If I had of been really drunk, I could have forgotten to rubber up(and possibly contract something). So what would you do in this position, if they denied multiple times they weren't up to something, but you kept getting this weird feeling.




  1. if you think they're cheating you're probably right...get tested, talk to them, and if you're still not satisfied, dump them

  2. Mate.. if it ever happens.... and believe me... mariage can last a lifetime... which is a long time.. so never say never.... just approach her and talk about a more open relationship.

    You could both ramp your s*x life up a notch and join a fetish group or something.... If you are going to fool around when drunk.. you can hardly complain... it's much better to just agree to play around... and make sure there's no barebacking.. no uncomfortable comparisons, no war stories and you both have to get home by 2.00pm or something.

    Always rubber up... why put your family at risk .... and get a check up once a month as if you are a p**n star.

  3. If you have a bad feeling it is possible she is cheating. But you also played a low life, you also cheated so you are in an environment that you selected for your self.

      You have to change your life 100 degrees. Dump the girl that makes you feel she is cheating, get a new job, stop getting drunk, go back to school, and go back to your church.

  4. If I ever suspected cheating I would hire a detective. Then you'll get your answer.  Don't accuse unless you know.  In my experience the ones that accused me were the ones cheating.  If they get away with it they assume we do too.  Hope I helped.

  5. Go with your gut and double bagg that thing.

  6. First thing is find out if it's true and if it is kick the c**p out of girl then turn to your husband and smack him across his face as hard as you can in front of the girl and say to her you can have my sloppy left overs.

  7. If the radar goes off then you need to take action. I would secure the jewels hefty bags will do.I have never had that feeling and I am digging that. I make it so he does not want to cheat. If I were that person, I would Check that.

  8. I'm not even sure what this is asking, sorry.

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