
What should be done in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i went to this rather busy place with my dad and brother to buy myself a phone. I saw some guys peeping inside the shop and looking at me, i obviously ignored as i thought they may be upto something else, i realised these guys work there only. After sometime when i go out i see them looking at me and staring at me continuously, i get rather conscious as i am with my dad and brother, they realise that too but still they wont stop checking me out, after sometime i see them following me!

It is so embarassing. I tried to ignore them all the time as it was a busy area but they still wont get it. What should i do in such a situation?

i am 20 and they guys were also the same age.




  1. Why not go up to them and say "Next time take a photo, it'll last longer?" and wink at them.  That'll stop 'em in their tracks.

    (if you don't have confidence to carry this off, fake it)

  2. nothing-youre with two men who may not like you to respond however much you apparently may have wanted to. Theyll surely leave if you seem disinterested. But if you respond with your bodylanguage and eye contact etc you may land up getting them bashed up by your brother or father

  3. Be glad your attractive an get deal with the small down side of being pretty. Or you could become ugly an no guy will think to look twice at you. But, I am sure you like the way it is now, you just want that one thing to go away.

  4. Maybe laws should be passed that make it illegal to look at you !!

    But that means you'll not be allowed to look at others either !

    You are a big headed kook ,thinking the world is checking you out .

  5. You should probly get home, relieve yourself & put on clean panties !

  6. I'm glad you did nothing in this situation. It does not call for any action on your part. It's ok, you must be very pretty so that's why you are getting the 'looks'. Appreciate it and bask in it. Ignore them. Learn to be in control of the situation.


  7. I know it's very intimidating and can make you feel uncomfortable. The thing is morons like this, who haven't been taught any manners, often seem able to detect when you feel uncomfortable (maybe you blush or seem to be flashing quick glances at them and they think of it as encouraging).

    If you have the courage (please have the courage - practice and work up to it) you could always turn and gaze directly into the face of one of them; then perhaps the other - say in a clear, authoritative tone, "No thanks I don't need anything." (That is -as if you are a customer declining an offer of help).

    If they persist (as you say - following you), you could say, "It looks like you don't have any work to do; surely other customers could use some help."

    Good luck with it :(

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