
What should be done to address the issue of Civil Rights?

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For example, if I picked healthcare, I could mention that America should implement a universal health care plan




  1. Show everyone how to work for a living and stop waiting for the government handouts!  That would just about solve all our problems.

  2. As far as health care is concerned we pay for it now. I know of no hospital who will turn away a sick or injured person who needs immediate medical care. Who do people think pay for this? We do. So in a way we already have universal health care. Also if people wait because they can not afford the doctor, when they show up at the emergency room it cost US a lot more. How much money is sucked out of the health care system by insurance companies? We could put those monies to work.

    As far as a right to health care, some people think that if you don't have a job where you can afford health care you should get sick and die? Let's be reasonable. I am an educated person who is covered by a company sponsored health plan but some people can not afford health coverage. These people have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and an illness can deny these people of all three. They should have a health care system that includes them also.

  3. Civil rights will go away  over time. But adding new rights, like clean water, clean air, health care, food, clothing, shelter.. all the things we definitely need to live, presents us with a need to go beyond concepts of previously stated human rights.

    These delve areas which, if government , the courts, and everyone else fails to act, we have to specify just who is to carry out these human rights.

    Imagine some person walking the roads of a rural area, hungry, thirsty, homeless in winter, and with no warm winter coat. Is it the local government violating his rights? or some government in the National capital. It does not matter, somebody, anybody has to act.

    But if the National government has provided all this person needs, in some city far away, why is this person not there to enjoy it? Does the government have to have a delivery service to every remote place, free to all?

    For starters, it makes no sense to insist on health care but omit water, or food, or clean air, shelter from the elements. Health will be better with all of those things and no health care.

    But again, if the national government provides health care in adequate quantities and quality in places you are not,  do we have to bring it to you?  As a human right, why not?  does the person who lives next to a major hospital have more rights to care?

    I know, to people who have no publicly funded health care this looks like splitting hairs. For those of us who have it, however, we find that people in remote areas are never content to be a 2000 km emergency plane ride from a significant hospital. It is about what we can reasonably do, not human rights.

  4. Healthcare is not a right. Healthcare is a privelige one must work for. Those who call healthcare a right are those who are jealous of the possibility that some who work hard to pay for healthcare may live longer than those who do not.

    Those who refuse to do what is necessary to stay alive, assume the risks.

  5. Point to Obama. a product of civil rights.(and affirmative action)

  6. How many times can I address the Universal Health Care issue?  Here once again:

    According to Obama (during the first democratic debate):

    Please remember I'm only paraphrasing here, but Four parties will pay for his health plan. The Federal government (1/4), the state governments (1/4), the "employers" (1/4), and the "employees" (1/4).

    Who are the "employers"? Every business in the United States. Who are the "employees"? The hard working, tax paying citizens of the United States.

    Well where does the Federal government get its money? By raising taxes. Who pays those taxes? The "employers" and the "employees". Do you really think that the "employers" are going to dig into their profits to pay the taxes? No they'll just raise the prices of their goods and services to offset the cost of the higher taxes or ship jobs over seas, eliminating American jobs, to reduce their overhead. Where do the state governments get their money? By raising taxes. Who pays those taxes? The "employers" and the "employees". Do you really think that the "employers" are going to dig into their profits to pay the taxes? No they'll just raise the prices of their goods and services to offset the cost of the higher taxes or ship jobs over seas, eliminating American jobs, to reduce their overhead. Where do the "employers" get their money? By selling goods and services to "employees". So who will pay for Obama's "free" health care? The hard working, tax paying citizens of this country, that's who and they will pay 100% for "free" health care.

    Now in regards to your question about Civil Rights, I think each citizen should address the issue themselves.  We already have enough laws on the books addressing this issue.  You cannot legislate tolerance.  You cannot make people change the way they think about others.  Affirmative Action violates my civil rights...yet no one is doing anything to end affirmative action.

    Come on Charlene don't give me a thumbs down for using Senator Obama's own words...that's not fair.  And as we all know you liberals are all about fairness...right?

  7. how about you implement that EVERYBODY needs to WORK in order to get insurance through your employer.....

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