
What should be done to reduce the higher rate of road accidents?

by  |  earlier

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road accidents are so high in some parts of the world. what do you think must be done to address this issue.




  1. Until motor vehicle mishaps and the resulting deaths and injuries take on the same importance in the public eye as AIDS or murder , there will not be too much done to address the real problem of the situation...That problem is US - the drivers...Right now we seem content to believe that the vehicle manufacturers can build products that will protect us from ourselves (because my car has a 5-star crash test rating) and that I'll never break down...The only solution is to get every driver trained to the same standard worldwide or build vehicles that don't need drivers (coming in the next 25-40 years)...In the meantime, this crude form of population control will continue.

  2. actually test people to make sure they can drive. This means retesting people at certain times when renewing a drivers license. Most drivers become complacent and stop following the traffic laws because they are lazy and don't care about anyone but themselves. By retesting people, it will force people to do the right thing to keep driving.

  3. I dont think there is anything that can reasonably be done. Slapping more laws in our face is not going to do the trick I think one of the largest causes is the amount of traffic. The only law that I could see aving a real effect would be to limit the number of passengers that anyone under 18 can have, this is already being done in some places. Even until most people are in their 20's they take a lot more risks and do not use the caution they should while other people particularly in the same age group are in the car.

  4. taking away cell phones

  5. We need to get serious about getting those with inadequate mental proficiency  (the stupid ones)  and those who refuse to operate safely off the roads permanently.

  6. accidents are going to happen. if you read the absurbity of a lot of questions on this board there are a lot of people driving that should never have been able to get their license. I would make driving instruction much more involved than it is now plus raise the driving age to about 18

  7. Drive the vehicle. Look at the mirrors, you have three of them to chose from. Use the turn signals. Pay attention. Stop talking on the phone, texting on the phone, reading, eating, singing and so on. Obey the traffic laws.

  8. Avoid over speeding and reckless drivers should be charged in courts of laws.

    Avoid drinking and taking harmful drugs like marijuana because are the serious causes of accidents today.

    Driving permits and licenses should be given to only experienced and well trained drivers.

    Drivers should be denied to get driving licenses and not allowed to drive until the age of 18.......................

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