
What should be done to revive Africa's agriculture?

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To put the question into context, there was a major conference in Oslo, Norway, last week, that brought together agriculturalists and policy makers from all over the world to discuss the issue. More details on the conference can be found at this link - . I would now be happy to hear from the rest of the world.




  1. water it....

  2. They should go to walmart. Because they can get their vegetable cheaper than they can grow it and it the very next isle they sell guns.

  3. Tell the people in Africa to stop fighting and get to work.

  4. I´m just going to tell you an old saying that would explain your question:

    "Success in farming comes from black soil and white skin"

    Africa has none of the above...

  5. At the risk of being called a bigot  - may be we should try and change ancient social practices . i have lived and travelled in Africa and i could not understand why the woman - with babies strapped to their backs are out working the fields by hand while the men are standing around just watching.Unless we can motivate them to change those customs -- nothing will change -- ever.

  6. Remove all politics.

  7. jimmyjosh,  This is such a complex problem that it will not be solved easily.  I don't claim to be any where near an expert on Africa, but I have had a lot of first hand experience in agriculture in three different countries in Africa.  The first thing you have to consider is that Africa is not a country, it is made up of many countries.  They are widely diverse in political views, religious views, wealth, poverty, quality of agriculture lands available, etc. Added to this problem these countries were formed during the colonial period in history.  Basically this Continent was carved up into different countries by European countries and America.   The English claimed a portion and said this is Nigeria and is ours, America did the same and claimed Liberia, The French, Spain, Portuguese, Dutch, eta. all did the same.  These countries were not divided with any consideration to the tribes that made up the population.  The result is we now have a lot of different nations that are now trying to rule themselves when many of the different tribes still intact and waring with other within the country causing unstable conditions in almost every country in Africa.  Unstable government and corruption within the government make something like improvements agriculture very difficult.  This is within one country.  If you throw in all of the countries in Africa and try to solve any problem, I think you can see what the problem develops into.  Improvements in agriculture are not impossible, a lot of progress is being made, but it is slow, and will likely stay that way for a long while.  Any improvements made by aid to farmers, education, aid with seeds, fertilizers, etc. are going to have made on a nation by nation basis and not on Africa as a whole.

  8. One of the major issues would be providing water. There must be plenty underground, but having the means to provide it is another matter. Then of course the major problem is environment. Mind and intelligence are pre-determined by environment.You can't expect low intellect natives to grasp the neccessary or even fundamental requirements needed to provide their daily needs.Then of course is the warring and tribal nature of the African.The Blacks pushed out the Whites. And the Whites took the knowledge and expertise with them. Look at Zimbabwe and French Guinea?Why then do you think that western countries see Africa as unworthy of assistance.

  9. Stop giving money, instead give them equipment (not like tractors and combines, I mean basic implements) and ag education.  Lots of homesteaders here in the US make a living with very very ancient tech and equipment.  They need to learn to feed themselves before they can start feeding others.

    Develop better delivery system for food aid.  Sick of donated goods of all kinds just becoming another pawn for the warlords and dictators there to use to control the people.

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