
What should be done to solve environmental problems worldwide?

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What should be done to solve environmental problems worldwide?




  1. Nothing needs to be done, we need to stop doing.

    It is mainly about changing human values to be aware that we depend on a healthy environment, we are not separate from the concequences of our actions. for parctical resources for the 3 modes for acheiving this

    1. Campaigns and acts of protest to counter the destruction

    2. Building positive alternatives and sustainable ways of living

    3. A deeper shift in values, thinking and culture to support this

  2. TAX MANUFACTURERS of hugely polluting products.  Ok, you go into a store and you see a bunch of items, let's say baskets for example.  Some of them are wire.  Some of them made from natural fibers.  Some plastic.  Which will be the cheapest?  Always the plastic c**p that they manufacture for next to nothing, probably pay the chinese they're exploiting next to nothing for its manufacture.  And of course, you buy it because it's cheapest.  Why should manufacturers of grossly polluting items get to make them so cheap?  If we went to a sales tax for this, it would force the manufacturers to be responsible.  When consumers' cheapest option is NOT polluting, that will be the day we will do the most for global pollution, and probably have great economies and less labor exploitation to boot.

  3. People need to quit making so many babies!

    To put it lightly.

  4. to solve environmental problems worldwide deforestation should not be allowed,planting trees,conservation of forests, and vanahotsava festival,should be done.

  5. Hold on, let me call presidant Bush......................Ok he said don't worry about it, it will take care of itself. He's so smart!


  7. ok.. actually a very good question.. d problem of problems starts with people.. so r solution starts with people themselves.. people should start becoming responsible enough.. d basic environmental problem is littering.. which is what a whole lot of people do.. intentionally n unintentionally.. but most of d time its due to laziness.. so if v start taking small steps such as throwing litter into a dustbin.. may b most of d problem is solved.. this is d first step .. may b d most efficient of all ..

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