
What should be done to stop knife crime?

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Present laws are not adequate enough to deal with knife crime and the terrible loss of young lives.What do you think should be done and what sentences would you make law to stop?




  1. zero tolerance ,anyone caught with one 1 year jail with no exceptions.

  2. make all knives out of toffee.  

  3. When are you going to get tired of asking this same question about knife crime in the UK?  You never seem to get the answer you want someone to give you so you ask it again and again with slightly different wording.  You do realize, don't you, that what you are doing is a violation of community guidelines??

  4. Are you talking about Britain? It's a bad situation over there. Kids who would ordinarily not carry knives are doing it in case someone tries to attack them. I think such cases where the knife was used in defense should be treated with leniency. Criminals that use knives offensively should be given a sentence of hard labor.  

  5. if they take a life give them life..parental guideance not easy but you have an idea of the area ,patterns, keep questioning your kids get to find out whats goin on keep them on their toes .if you have an inckling get them in their home and out the way. after all their only COWARDS!!!!

  6. How?

    Look in the real world.

    After being hit hard on the head with the Book of the Dead.

    With code of honour " Over my dead body"

    Being mass produced and rolled off from faulty production lines in time.

    created in own backyards with self lack of knowledge in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God in time in doing things at own whims and fancy in time.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    How about erasing the data with new downloads?

    Like putting them away for a short vacation.

    Give them a fresh writing exercise book with pencil and eraser.

    In writing out 500 lines.

    Increase every 100 extra in not finishing the home-work the next morning on the teacher's desk in time.

    Will understand better with sore red hot finger tip like ET too

    "Thou shalt not kill"

    Exodus 20.13

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God in time.

    Never ever carry knives in public places for the good of man-kind.

    In making this world a better place to live in time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  7. I assume this is concerning my distant British cousins.

    Decriminalize self defense. Don't make more laws restricting a decent human being's access to certain objects. Harshly punish those who initiate violence and protect those who vigorously defend themselves even if they inflict grievous harm on their opponents. Give absolutely no comfort to the goblins and even the dimmest of them will eventually change their ways or die out.

  8. 'Life For A Knife'. Nobody carries a knife on the street unless they mean to do harm.  

  9. 5 years for possession of a blade considered offencive.

    And instead of wasting money on rocket science which wastes billions per year.

    concentrate on which matters most poverty and crime

  10. Unfortunately, the answer is not to throw more laws at the problem - the laws we have are good enough, but not enforced or backed up with suitable sentences. Take the banning of handguns in Britain - gun crime is now far, far worse than when they were legal.

    What is needed is to change people's attitudes, and that is a much harder problem. But if we were all responsible, law-abiding people with respect for one another, we should be able to carry as many knives, guns or whatever as we liked without feeling the need to hurt or kill somebody else.

  11. Allow people the legal power to defend themselves with any means necessary. These little thugs know they can get away with doing anything they want because if anyone fights back, it is the victim who will get in trouble with the police, not them.

    Give the police more powers to use force, arrest as and when they see fit, and make quick and harsh punishment a swift response to ANY arrest, not just for knife crime.

    These thugs dont respect society or the law, and they certainly don't fear it. They should be made to.

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