
What should be done with gary glitter?

by  |  earlier

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Castration is what I'd suggest - so he can't hurt another child - and take his hands just in case.

Do you think he should be allowed to roam free?




  1. Well, As some feller once said, "All those who have never done anything wrong should line themselves up with a handful of rocks and throw them at him 'til he's dead"

    As for me, I would lock him up for life but then I'm not so bloodthirsty as you.

  2. who is he even?

    and who cares?

  3. What goes around comes around and with a bit of luck he will get whats coming to him. The evil sick b*****d, i'm sorry but i hate the t**t for the pain and suffering he must of caused innocent people.

  4. no way, get rid of the pervert, he shouldn't be allowed in Britain

  5. Send him to find Bin Laden,,with a peashooter ,,

  6. Isn't it true he'll become a priest.

  7. he should have his eyelids removed so his eyes wont be protected and get burned by the sun and full of dust, that way he will never be able to go looking for children.

    then he should have his balls removed with the blunt side of a rusty knife.

    then he should have the palms of his hands put through a meat slicer and dipped in salt so he never can touch another child.

    and to finish off he should have all his joints(elbows,knees,knuckles etc.) burned with an iron so he can never bend down or sit down and get any rest. scumbag. and his daily job should be to slop out all the prison cells.

  8. If anyone thinks he should be allowed to roam free then they are as sick in the head as he is, Once a peadeophile always a peadeophile in my opinion, These people will always re offend and harm another innocent child.

  9. Yes let him roam free, everyone will know who he is,he wont get a moments peace, with the national press hounding him

  10. He's a sicko that should be castrated.!!!

  11. let him roam free.  People are going to make his life h**l since people know what he looks like and what he has done

  12. NO Way - he should never be allowed to lead a normal life or have any perks - he is an evil man and should be locked up for life and the key thrown away - castration too!!!

    the worst of it all is the man shows no remorse - its just all sooo wrong - and now he's gonna come back to good old blighty where even if he is locked up there's no punishment there - not in our jail systems!!!

  13. I agree with you. That SOB should be castrated...! How can he even thinking of doing that to a child. d**n paedophile!

  14. Well I don't wanna be in his gang.

  15. They should lock him up again and this time throw away the key.People like him will never change and he'll just go back to abusing children,he should never have been let out of jail.

  16. A slow and painful death springs to mind

  17. Tie his hands and feet all spread eagle on the ground near an anthill in the hot sun.Then, very carefully peel only the top layer of skin off with a sharp knife............then slowly pour warm salted lemon juice over his body, and let the sun burn it all. The ants will SLOWLY finish him off............


  18. Yeah!!! Castration! Let's get those 'NADS! XD

    Nope, to the second question!

  19. They should slice his balls off!

  20. Make him listen to the JoBros records (oh no, that's too cruel!!!!)

  21. I agree with the castration, without any pain relief. Then once that is done (they should do it very slowly) tie him to a post and allow parents to do as they wish to him without fear of prosecution.

  22. The reality of the world of child abuse is light years away from the likes of Gary Glitter. He is a pervert with the advantage of being an anti-hero on his side. Everyone would watch, but not for the purposes of any kind of education into paedophilia.

    He would make some money out of it and nobody would be any the wiser.

    Do you really believe that he would be upfront and honest about what he has done? Get real.

    He should just remain in Jail.

    He has to be monitored for the rest of his life and passport revoked never to pray on vunerable children overseas, where it is very common I'm saddened to read about and what we all hear.

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