
What should be in a cricket blog?

by  |  earlier

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this is my blog and what should be more in a cricket blog




  1. This is a great start.  You need to work on your grammar and spelling.  When you finish your text pass it through a spell/grammar check software at the least.  Do not use sms/texting language such as LOL etc

    Also a blog is not a news report.  It either describes a new event or adds a new perspective to an event.  If your material is similar to others, it will have no value to readers.

    You will need to strike the right balance between blog and advertising.  In a cricket blog it is ok to see cricket related advertising.  But to see hosting and other ads is painful. It takes away the merit of the material.

    Hope this helps

  2. It's alright...  updated and current event which is good...  but have to work on english grammar and spellings...  words like "loosed" doesn't make sense and doesn't go with the context...

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