
What should be included in a customer oriented e-commerce site?

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In Terms of Marketing and getting best output of it .




  1. 1. Strong customer support methodology.   Have a process in place for phone and email support requests that is consistent and relentlessly improved.

    2. Security.  Use the highest level of security to protect customer information through the entire process.

    3. Effortless returns and exchanges.  No questions asked. It's the price of doing business online and you cannot get around it (except perhaps for customized/engraved-type items.)

    4. Testimonials - real-world testimonials about the processes of the store, returns, etc.

    5. Reviews of products.  Allow customers to review products on the site.

    6. A blog - this is a place where an open, transparent conversation can occur with consumers - in public view.  This is your chance to show your skills in dealing with people.

    7. Consistent policies - Make sure consumers know you're fair and easy to do business with, but that you will not be taken advantage of.  Embrace most mishaps as a price of doing business, but call out those going beyond reasonable.

    8. Strong privacy/anti-SPAM policies.  Make it easy to opt-in or opt-out of your email lists.

    9. Suggested items... when possible, use software to help the consumer find suggested items, accessories that are genuinely helpful - not just random up-sells.

    10.  Loyalty program.  If a consumer refers a friend or orders from you consistently, do something special for them.  You don't have to advertise this - the consumer will advertise it for you.

    11. Monitor social networks for dissatisfied customers.  Reach out to them in full view of the public and engage them - trying to see their point of view.  But don't forget #7

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