
What should be taught in schools?

by Guest21136  |  earlier

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Should theories that are unproved that seem like they are constantly changing (information gets outdated quickly) or things that haven't changed and has many proofs and answers most of the questions, ex. how did everything start?




  1. Big bang theory


    Any credible scientific theory

  2. The thing with theories is that the definition is taught and enforced.

    Theory: a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.

    Fact: something that actually exists; reality; truth.

  3. I think it would be nice if they would teach reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic. I have seen so many younger people that can't read or write simple sentences lately, and some of them have already graduated from high school.

    After they have that down , they could teach whatever they want.

  4. Scientific theories should be taught. It is an important part of science that, as new data comes in, sometimes theories get revised (Which does not mean that the older theory was "wrong", just that new data allows the refinement of the theory to a more precise degree; Einsteinian physics did not falsify Newtonian physics in many areas), and thats a Good Thing.

    Because how can one learn new things if one decides that the old views are "sacred" ?

    Theories that change are not "unproven". Silly ideas such as ID contain no supporting evidence at all, *unlike* with actual scientific theories.  

  5. I think theoretical ideologies should be part of higher education within specific fields and in terms of general education, basic communication, math, language arts would be a good start.

    That and basic civility which seems is not taught any longer....  


  7. If you are talking about evolution and the big bang, then those are scientific theories that have TONS of corroborating evidence to support them.  If you don't believe me, go read a real science book (not being rude, just blunt).  They should be taught in the public schools.    

  8. Scientific Theory is constantly tested and validated w/ evidence. When new evidence is found the theory is adapted to the new information. This is the basis of ALL modern science.

    Religion starts w/ a premise and discards any theory or evidence that doesn't support it. It uses flawed research and bad science as so-called "proof" where none actually exists.

    Science should be taught in the schools if we want the next generation to have a competitive edge in an increasingly technological world. I've met too many young people who had to take remedial courses in college because they attended Christian schools and did not have a basic understanding of science.

    The Bible actually has changed many times over the years often for political reasons. It is not proof of anything except what someone long ago once believed. it is not to be taken literally or out of its cultural context.

    The links below objectively detail the origins of the Bible (1)

    as well as the inconsistencies and inaccuracies (2)

    They are best viewed w/ IE.

  9. Everything started cuz it felt like it one day!  What's so hard about that?

    I'm Atheist!

  10. Scientific theories like Evolution should be taught,and we know where that came from unlike Creationism where we don't know if it was God's word or not

    I think that the Bible was written by stupid Bronze Age men who didn't know what science was

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