
What should be the answer in interview when anybody asks what is unique in u?

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What should be the answer in interview when anybody asks what is unique in u?




  1. me myself

  2. "I'm not you."

    sometimes bluntness works in interviews, before you say anything like this though, be sure you have sized up the interviewer to be one that could appreciate this.

  3. everything is unique in me!

  4. What skill are you really good at. Such as typing, organizing, math etc. They are looking for your strong points.

  5. Nothing. There is nothing unique about any individual. We all have the same habits and conditions implanted in us genetically. What makes YOU different, is YOUR priorities and what sets YOU apart is YOUR abilities. Get it?

    be different. don't try selling an impossible question with an answer. Instead, blow the interviewer away with your insight.

  6. In and job or educational interview, I would think that a good answer would bring the subject back to what you best offer to the company or institution.

    For example,

    I bring a unique view to this position because of my background in _____________ as well as ____________.

    just my 2 cents,


  7. writing calligraphy

  8. tell them that u cant find anybody else with the same name, DOB and intelligence  other than me.......!!!!!!!!!!!! thats unique abt u...

  9. i am sometimes very harsh at others and i am also very emotional for others.

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