
What should be the calorie intake of a 13 year old girl??

by  |  earlier

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  1. 1000

  2. Use this calorie intake calculator, which provides you with - in both metric and imperial measures - your

    healthy maximum weight, healthy minimum weight, maximum daily calorie

    intake, maximum daily fat intake, maximum daily saturated fat intake.

  3. Around 1800-2000 calories to maintain weight. 1000 is NOT enough for sure. It also depends how much excersize you do....

  4. Depends of your height, weight, and activity level. Just remember that some teenagers have problems with weight due to puberty. Just don't drink soda, or other sugary beverages (not even diet, artificial sweeteners can keep you bloated), drink water, and stay away from the snacks they sell in school. Bring your own lunch, and healthy snacks. You can eat pizza and burgers, etc., but stick to eating like that once or twice a week.

    Eating healthy now, will help ensure eating healthy when you get older.

    Good Luck!

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